that I’ve made or Might one day finish
(not getting into the half-designed stuff)

  • Deep Water  (wip, Paper) 
    • A card game with procedurally generated maps, a single-player option, and a grim legacy mode. It’s about cave diving and all the horrors one might befall someone trying it. It may not be a completely accurate depiction of cave-diving. Made with paper, pens, tea, and artistic assistance from my pal Laura Smith during a MPC mini-jam.
  • Manifesto 13/02/18  (2018, Paper)  [Link}
    • A manifesto for making, playing, and critiquing games. Written on a train, for #manifestojam. To immediately be superseded.
  • Albatross  (2017, Unity)  [Link]
    • Sit in a small boat on a choppy ocean, listening to The Rime of The Ancient Mariner. In VR. Win by not being sick. There’s also a wobbly stool for maximum ‘enjoyment’. Otherwise titled ‘Bring Your Own Bucket’.
  • @X-Filed  (2017, Twitter, Cheap Bots Done Quick)  [Link]
    • A little Twitter bot account made with CheapBotsDoneQuick as part of #procjam 2017, haphazardly mashing together fragments of original X-Files episode descriptions with bits of new strangeness.
  • Squid Loves Fox  (2017, Twine)  [Link]
    • A simple tale of a squid and a fox trying to go on a date. Made in Twine with my pal Laura Smith during a MPC mini-jam.
  • 17th Year  (2017, Unity)  [Link]
    • My entry for the 2017 Flatgame jam and first attempt at something flat in Unity. A brief jaunt through the 17th year of friendship with my best pal.
  • Elephant Mimosa  (2016, Bitsy)  [Link]
    • An elephant gets into the mimosa, but look closer for emotional insight. Made in Bitsy with my pal Laura Smith during a MPC mini-jam.